WCOA Technology Class: Intro to Smart Phones
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
75 Reed Road
Westport MA 02790
Who can attend
Westport Council on Aging Technology Classes Winter Session is ready to go.
Today's electronics can be confusing and frustrating but are becoming more essential in day to day activities. The WCOA Tech Team are "Seniors teaching Seniors". We understand your frustrations and have been assisting Seniors for 3 years to become COMFORTABLE in using our Phones, tablets and any tech device. Our Classes are fun, interactive and meant to provide and introduction to the topic areas. We have additional ONE on One help sessions can be scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday Mornings at 9, 10 or 11 am.
Register for classes or a One on One session by calling the Center at 508-636-1026.
Date Wednesday Class
1/15 Into to Technology- Keeping Up
1/22 Intro to Smart Phones
1/29 Into to Computers & Tablets
2/5 Email & Texting
2/12 Accounts, Passwords & Pins
2/19 Security & preventing Scams
2/26 Searching & Using the Web
3/5 (Ash Wednesday) Banking & Finance
3/12 Google Apps; Maps, Calendar, & E-mail
3/19 Working With Photos
3/26 Storage- The Cloud & Backup